Dry Beef sausages /Dry wors The small round Dry sausage are with a casing (cold are dry )
Dry Wors - sheep casing Combination of ground beef, spiced and air-dried for a great protein fix.
Dry Wors with no casing - round Combination of ground beef, spiced and air-dried for a great protein fix.
Dry Wors - with Casing Combination of ground beef, spiced and air-dried for a great protein fix.
100g 250g 500g 1kilogramkg Snacks ready to eat
as you can see we have differed Dry Beef sausages @Tast of Africa
Dry Beef sausages /Dry wors The Flat Dry pieces you see is without the casing 100g 250g 500g 1kilogram Snacks ready to eat
we have differed Dry Beef sausages @Tast of Africa
Snacks -Biltong /Jerky and Meat Products
For order in Panama :
Order your Raw meat products , Smoke Meat , Ham , Snacks , Pastry's , Liver Pate , Jimmy Dean style sausages , Frankfurter , Wieners ,Pork Schnitzel etc.
Products at @TasteofAfrica
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