When properly treated, lip cancer, like other forms of skin, oral, head, and neck cancer, can pose a serious health risk. However, when caught in the early stages, lip cancer responds well to surgery and other conservative treatment options.
What Is Lip Cancer?
Lip cancer is a type of cancer that crosses categories. It is considered to be a form of skin cancer as well as a form of oral (mouth), head, and neck cancer. The majority of lip cancers are squamous cell carcinomas, which develop in the squamous cells in the middle and outer layers of skin. While anyone may develop lip cancer, individuals who have regular or prolonged sun exposure and those who use tobacco products are at significantly higher risk for this type of cancer.
“Don’t neglect your lips when you’re applying sunscreen each day. Many great lip balm options have built-in sunblock, and it’s recommended that people apply these products daily even if they aren’t going to spend much time outdoors. If you smoke or use other tobacco products, you are at significantly higher risk for lip and oral cancers as well as other forms of cancer and a range of serious skin and whole-body health concerns.
Lip Cancer Warning Signs?
Skin cancer self-exams should be an essential part of your skincare routine. Approximately once a month, you should examine your whole body, including your lips,
Following specific lip cancer warning signs:
A lump, bump, or raised area, more common on the lower lip
Pain in the lips
Numbness or tingling in the lips
Lips that bleed easily
Sores that don’t heal
Red or white-colored patches, especially if scaly or rough