If you looking for a spicy Habanero bloody mary this is the perfect way of making one .
Ingredients * 4 parts organic tomato juice * ½ part of lemon juice * 4 dashes of Worcestershire sauce * ice
*Habanero Sauce as per your liking order @https://tasteofafrica.site * 1 pinch of sea salt * 1 pinch of black pepper * 1 stick of celery * ice , cubed
Method 1. Add plenty of ice and all of your ingredients to a shaker. 2. Tilt the shaker backwards and forwards a few times to mix the ingredients without making the drink frothy. 3. Pour the mix into a glass. Top up with fresh ice. 4. Add a lemon wedge and a celery stick to garnish. Serve.
Tip: To make the cocktail with vodka. simply and 2 parts vodka
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